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My name is Joy, the person that started this initiative. I am currently a doctoral student in the Department of Medicine at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Welcome to the STEAM room!

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What is the STEAM room?

When I started my Master of Science program in May, 2021, I distinctly remember how difficult it was to apply for the program, meet mentors and, most especially, find funding and other opportunities. Although the advisors in the Department of Medicine were incredible at keeping students up to speed, in my experience, the search for funding and opportunities was confusing, and often frustrating. Furthermore, resources and advice on these scholarships and applications were near impossible to find (the competitive nature of these things, I suppose?)


In March 2022, I won the Michelle Harkness Mentorship Development (MHMA) grant from AllerGen Inc. As part of my grant proposal, I started the STEAM room, which I hope will become a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who are each going through the own, unique academic journey. I believe that the academic community is stronger by the bonds we create, and that we all have something to learn from each other. The STEAM room is meant to be an open access platform that can serve as a companion for your academic journey - a place to find mentors and advice, but also to learn what "non-refereed" publications are, or how to write a strong personal statement. I also believe in open-access information and that sharing knowledge leads to a stronger collective community...


So, I hope you find something useful here at the STEAM room. If you would like to be part of this initiative, write a guest blog post please contact me!




I'm always looking for more knowledge and friends.

Let's connect.

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