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Mackenzie King Open Scholarship




One-Time Payment

About the Funding

Selecting The Winners

The awards will be based on high academic achievements (typically all A’s or very nearly so), personal qualities, and demonstrated aptitudes.  Consideration will also be given to the applicant’s proposed program of study.   

The awards will be made by, and at the sole discretion of, the Board of Scholarship of Trustees.


The Selection Process

Your home university (see how to apply) will forward to the Board of Scholarship Trustees a short-list of its recommended candidates together with their applications, and will advise all of its applicants of the outcome of this internal competition. 

Decisions in the national competition are usually announced by the end of May. The results will include a list of alternative recipients for the event that a scholarship is declined by a candidate to whom it is offered. Alternative recipients will be notified if they are placed on the list. 


Administration of the Scholarship

A candidate may not hold a Mackenzie King Scholarship at the same time as other scholarships without the written approval of the Board of Scholarship Trustees. 

This approval is usually given provided that the candidate’s total scholarship support, including the Mackenzie King Scholarship, does not exceed a maximum amount defined by the Board. Lately the maximum amount has been the candidate’s expected tuition fees plus C$16,000, but it is subject to change.

Acceptance of the scholarship implies an obligation on the part of the recipient to devote her- or himself fully to the program of study outlined in the application. Any proposed change of plan must be submitted to the Board for approval. 

Your Benefactor

UAlberta FGSR

UAlberta FGSR


3 reference letters required in addition to regular application.

Due Date:

February 1, 2023 at 7:00:00 p.m.

Last Updated:

February 1, 2023 at 7:00:00 p.m.

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