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University of Alberta Centenary Graduate Award




One-Time Payment

About the Funding


  • Satisfactory Academic Standing (minimum grade point average 2.7)

  • Nominee must be in a second year of a graduate degree program

  • Selection will be based on academic standing

  • Selection will be based on demonstrated volunteer involvement in activities on campus and in the community (volunteer work required for school credit will not be considered)

  • The nominee may not hold this award concurrently with an award or bursary with a value of $13,000 or greater

  • Preference will be given to a nominee who is involved in volunteer activities both on and off campusThis award requires a specific application form, the University of Alberta Centenary Graduate Award Application, available on the FGSR website under Forms Cabinet Application Form

  • Open to Canadian citizens.Open to permanent residents.

  • Open to foreign nationals holding Canadian study permits.

  • Open to applicants in doctoral programs.

  • Open to applicants in masters programs.

  • Open to applicants in course-based study programs.

  • Open to applicants in thesis-based study programs.

Your Benefactor

UAlberta FGSR

UAlberta FGSR


By nomination only by your home department.

Due Date:

February 1, 2023 at 7:00:00 p.m.

Last Updated:

February 1, 2023 at 7:00:00 p.m.

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