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Common Scholarship Terminology

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

I found when I was applying to a variety of scholarships, there were some terms used that I was not familiar with. Here is a list of common words/nomenclature used in academic applications that may be of value to you:




Canadian Common CV - Check out our blog post on this!

Personal Statement

In scholarship applications, committees seldom get the chance to actually meet each applicant. The personal statement is a way to get to know you. Use the statement to highlight some of your grand achievements and bring to light the traits you are most proud of.


Admission Grade Point Average. Usually calculated using your most recent 2-years of coursework OR the required pre-requisites of the program.


Publications that are not peer-reviewed. For example: government publications, book or book chapters, newspaper articles, blog posts (like this one!), a documentary film etc.


Publications that go through the peer-review process. ie: written by experts and reviewed by other experts to ensure quality of research.

This list is ever-growing... message us with new terms if you come across any!


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