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What in the world is a CCV??

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

So your grant application has asked for a CCV... This is a Canadian Common Curriculum Vitae. According to their website, the CCV "allows researchers to enter their CV data once and output it in formats suitable for submission to CCV Network member organizations." During your academic career, there will be many scholarship and grants that will require you to use the CCV platform... so, here's a small tutorial on how to fill yours out.

Feel free to skip ahead to any of the sections below:


How To Register for Your CCV Account

Start by registering your information at this link, which will take you to the English Canadian Common CV website. There is also an option to view this site in French.

You will be prompted by the screen below to enter your information:

Follow the on-screen prompts and verify your email and voila! You've officially made an account with CCV.


Making Your First CV Version

There are likely many ways to start inputting your information to CCV, but the way below is what I personally found the most logical.

1. Once you're at the Welcome Page, navigate to CV>Generic

2. On this page, you will see a variety of sections in a List Box that you can fill out and edit by clicking the blue pencil. On my screen shot, you will notice green check marks. These checkmarks will appear when you have filled out that section.

3. Depending on what you are applying for, some sections must be completed. As a starting point, your Personal Information, and Education would be essential. Each section is different so make sure you follow the on screen prompts accordingly. Be sure to click DONE on the top right corner of the content to ensure your entries are saved properly.

For Example: When clicking Edit on the "Degrees" section, you will be brought to a page with an empty table with the headers: Degree Type, Degree Name, Specialization, Organization, Degree Status... Etc. You need to click Add to add new entries to this table.

4. Once you've filled out all your information, you're just about ready to make your first CCV. As a tip, I find it easier to ensure the Generic version of your CCV is always up to date and then to import this information to any new CCV version that you require. At the top right of the List Box containing all the sections, you will find a button that says Preview. Frequently preview your entries to ensure that the information you enter is showing up exactly the way you want it. A pop-up window will appear and a PDF version of your unofficial/draft CCV will be downloaded to your computer. I once had 21 of these downloaded when I was making my CCV for the NSERC CGS-M. Haha!


Creating CCV Versions

1. When your Generic CV is up to your standard, or rather, up to the standard of the organization to which you are applying, navigate to the "Versions" tab in the header of the website. Here, you will be prompted to Add certain templates of CCVs. Ensure you select the correct "Funding Source," agency, or program that you are applying for.

Funding Sources Include:

  • Alliance

  • ASRP

  • CFI

  • CGS-Master's

  • CIHR

  • Common CV (Ie: Everything you Input in Generic)



  • FRQS


  • Health Research BC

  • Heart & Stroke

  • HHS




  • Research Manitoba

  • RSJH


  • UdeS

  • UQAT

  • Vanier-Banting

Each agency/organization has slightly different requirements for your CV and the CCV platform will extract the sections required for that agency from your Generic inputs.

2. Under the CV Type dropdown menu, select the appropriate type you wish to create. For most of these funding sources, there is only one option.

3. Name your Version Name something logical - like the date and scholarship name!

4. Clicking Done will have added an entry in the original empty table. This does not submit anything to the agency!


Submitting your CCV to Funding Agencies

So, you're ready to submit.

1. Navigate to the CV>Funding page.

2. Enter the appropriate Funding Source, CV Type, and Version of the CCV you wish to submit.

3. Click Load.

4. In the table box, you will now see the information you put in the Generic CCV populate the required sections for your particular scholarship/grant.

However, the big difference is the header Included/Entries. Some agencies will only allow up to a certain number of publications to be listed, for example. You need to click the blue pencil and choose which entries to submit. Choose the most relevant ones!

If there are errors that need to be fixed on your CCV, the sections will be highlighted red. Ensure all entries have the green check mark beside them!

5. WAIT DON'T SUBMIT YET! Make sure you click Preview as many times as you feel comfortable to make sure your information is correct.

6. When you have quadruple-million-checked your CCV, click "Submit." You will be taken to a confirmation/consent page like the one below:

Once you click "I Agree," you have officially submitted your CCV to the funding organization. Congratulations and best of luck!!!


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